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 / Tools
Published on 05/23/2020
Downloaded 128 time(s)
Aula sobre Hfsql classic e client server
 / Entertainment
Published on 05/22/2020
Downloaded 79 time(s)
This is the transposition into WL of a demo posted in 2014 on the codeproject site https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/763207/T-Rex-animation The principle is the same as that used for the SplashScr...
 / Graphics
Updated on 05/18/2020
Downloaded 358 time(s)
9 different examples that will take your breath away! (use of animated .png files with GDImage).
 / Tools
Published on 05/17/2020
Downloaded 206 time(s)
Exemplos de Multi Threads com Semáforos Síncrono e Assíncrono
 / Productivity
Updated on 05/17/2020
Downloaded 419 time(s)
ChangeDate is a utility to change the date and / or time of a set of files Several options for editing or copying dates are available (google trad)
 / Tools
Published on 05/16/2020
Downloaded 78 time(s)
Exemplo WINDEV with Sybase
 / Tools
Updated on 05/16/2020
Downloaded 70 time(s)
Aula 01 Referente ao vídeo Caminho das Pedras
 / Tools
Updated on 05/15/2020
Downloaded 396 time(s)
Component allowing you to easily configure UPnP port forwarding on an Internet Box or a router from your applications with an option to automatically close open ports when the application is closed. ...
 / Tools
Published on 05/14/2020
Downloaded 97 time(s)
Classe OOP que Assina Xml com Certificado Digital
 / Graphics
Published on 05/14/2020
Downloaded 184 time(s)
Layered animated composited splash screen, with display on demand.