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Published on 05/24/2021
Downloaded 18 time(s)
List Windows Certificates in WINDEV https://youtu.be/Mn_d78iToAw https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2021/05/dicas-3334-WINDEV-WEBDEV-mobile.html Listar os Certificados do windos no WINDEV Cer...
Sample order and order list on the mini pdv m8 Exemplo de pedido e lista pedido no mini pdv m8 Elgin - Mini Pdv M8 - Android with WINDEV Mobile Elgin - Mini Pdv M8 - Android com WINDEV Mobile https:/...
Published on 05/11/2021
Downloaded 28 time(s)
api search dolar amarildo WINDEV https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2021/05/dicas-3325-WINDEV-WEBDEV-mobile.html https://youtu.be/MQ7SrcjV33E HTTPRequest - Search Dollar Value Euro Bitcoin Let...
 / Tools
Published on 05/05/2021
Downloaded 144 time(s)
WEBDEV - Exemplo de menu lateral retratil versao 25/26 FONTES PARA DOWNLOAD Video https://youtu.be/zurzaZ1S_lU
 / Various
Updated on 05/03/2021
Downloaded 277 time(s)
1 year calendar over 12 months + the weeks of the month. 4 versions of a year calendar and all the weeks of the year. Demo program with call and return of popups. The 3rd year / week calendar uses a t...
 / Tools
Published on 04/24/2021
Downloaded 207 time(s)
Freeware French/ English Finds the directories containing or not files named from a filter (accepts the generics * and ?). 2 search options for including or not the directories containing files or emp...
Updated on 04/20/2021
Downloaded 96 time(s)
Email WINDEV amarildo - Email_WINDEV_amarildo Part 1 https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2021/04/dicas-3307-WINDEV-WEBDEV-mobile-criando.html https://youtu.be/4VusN45qo_Y Subject matter : Cre...
Classe Oop CLASSO = C Lasso (Seleção de objetos na tela = Componente WX OCR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHh2fWJqfTk 30 min point video - OCR
Help da Ferramenta Adicional da PC SOFT Report & Querys = Similar ao Fast Report Manual de como usar R&Q Seria para relatorios e Querys para usuario final criar sem a necessidade do programador, bas...
 / Productivity
Updated on 03/28/2021
Downloaded 565 time(s)
Here is the new WD25 version of the WebView2 chromium browser. Before you can test this project, you must first install "Microsoft Edge Canary" https://www.microsoftedgeinsider.com/fr-fr/download Un...