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Published on 12/08/2021
Downloaded 13 time(s)
course 3531 WINDEV Mobile 26
IA Detect Objets Example - Exemplo de interpretação e detecção de objetos em imagem usando inteligencia artificial e Redes Neural
Exemplo CRUD WINDEV Mobile - com planos, oop, passagem de parametros, menu e login do sistema https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLlaslkyqIQ tem essa aula para explicar sobre o assunto vou montar um CRU...
Published on 12/01/2021
Downloaded 48 time(s)
 erp api WINDEV 26 Class 3522
Published on 12/01/2021
Downloaded 37 time(s)
erp WINDEV course 26 Class 3522
Published on 12/01/2021
Downloaded 19 time(s)
mobile erpcurso 26 Class 3522
Published on 11/24/2021
Downloaded 91 time(s)
video 3510 - Mobile Course 23 11 2021
Internal window movimentação para esquerda e para o centro escondendo e bloqueando objetos da janela de traz Prezados, WM - Trabalhando com janelas internas - Working with internal windows, posicio...
Published on 11/16/2021
Downloaded 41 time(s)
DreamScene 64 Is the translation in 64-bit mode of a 32-bit project written in 2010 with GDImage 5.00 and WD17. This version uses structures whose alignment corresponds to 64-bit mode, to call a 32-...
Published on 11/14/2021
Downloaded 62 time(s)
Motoboy control WINDEV Mobile 26 Amarildo 14 11 2021 Company Registration Delivery registration delivery report