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Published on 05/11/2022
Downloaded 28 time(s)
Class 3715 - Valverde Class - Print Order
https://youtu.be/1cUSbDTez7A https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2022/05/dica-3714-hsaveparameter-hloadparameter.html https://help.WINDEV.com/en-US/?1000017313&name=hsaveparameter_function http...
 / Various
Published on 05/07/2022
Downloaded 42 time(s)
Video Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TObFdfXSELU Fala Galera, projeto feito em WEBDEV, nesse vídeo fizemos um projeto de Clima do Tempo, - Customizamos - Consumimos API REST - Tratamos Da...
Published on 05/06/2022
Downloaded 22 time(s)
CLASSROOM 3709 - Valverde Class - WINDEV 26 - Taking Doubts
Updated on 05/05/2022
Downloaded 845 time(s)
This WD17+ project simulates an audio mixer interface, it is low level programming based on direct calls to the core API (Windows and GDImage). All the controls are based on GDImage bitmap sprite obj...
Published on 05/04/2022
Downloaded 19 time(s)
Class 3708 - Valverde Class - WINDEV 26 - Bank Connection
https://youtu.be/lAgvW1VRzBw Class 3707 - Second Class - WINDEV 26 - Data Conversion - Duplicate client
Published on 05/02/2022
Downloaded 21 time(s)
https://youtu.be/oQH6qO9IZUY https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2022/05/dica-3706-lista-arquivos-diretorio.html TIP 3706 - Directory Files List - WINDEV 27
Published on 04/29/2022
Downloaded 23 time(s)
class 3703 - WINDEV 26 - Rep-Clien-Orders
Published on 04/26/2022
Downloaded 32 time(s)
tip 3701 - WINDEV 27 - email - Class