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Rad Pattern Table With Form and Planes, with Indirection and Templates V 8.0 Classe Dados OOP Procedures Globais Template Window Tenplate controls RAD
Updated on 04/16/2020
Downloaded 164 time(s)
Exemplo Consumindo SOAP WSDL via código by Ricardo Cassolato SuhaiXml is string = [ <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" x...
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Published on 08/11/2021
Downloaded 15 time(s)
COBOL DAT 2 CSV/TXT https://www.microfocus.com/documentation/net-express/nx30books/fhrebu.htm Convertendo um arquivo O formato da linha de comando para converter um arquivo é: rebuild in-file,out-f...
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Published on 07/01/2022
Downloaded 32 time(s)
WINDEV ACBR Email DLL Componente DLL de envio de emails https://www.projetoacbr.com.br/forum/topic/55305-acbrlib-integrando-mail-email-com-WINDEV/ http://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2019/08/...
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Published on 03/18/2021
Downloaded 66 time(s)
WD The financial functions // Calculate the number of payments Info("Number of payments for this loan is set to: "+FinPaymentNb(-monthlypayment, AnnualInterestRate/12, LoanAmount)) // Note: the month...
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Published on 06/13/2022
Downloaded 13 time(s)
Exemplo CRUD WINDEV Mobile - com planos, oop, passagem de parametros, menu e login do sistema https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLlaslkyqIQ tem essa aula para explicar sobre o assunto vou montar um CRU...
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Published on 12/05/2021
Downloaded 88 time(s)
WM Password - Aplicativo para gerenciar as suas senhas de Bancos, e-mails e sites Windows IW_DefineGeneralPassword IW_InputGeneralPassword IW_SlideHelp IW_SlidingMenuList WIN_EditCategories WIN...
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Published on 05/19/2022
Downloaded 18 time(s)
WM Threads
Published on 06/06/2022
Downloaded 9 time(s)
WD The fListFile function - Listar arquivos e diretorios de um uma unidade de disco sDirectoryName is string DatatimeInicial is DateTime = DateSys()+TimeSys() sDirectoryName = fSelectDir("","Select...
Published on 06/13/2022
Downloaded 26 time(s)
Controle de Pacientes - WEBDEV (webservice) + WINDEV Mobile (app) - Patient Control - WEBDEV (webservice) + WINDEV Mobile (app)
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Published on 04/09/2018
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