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EZACS3 Component for ACOS3 Contact SmartCards and NFC
Published by Michel GARCIA
in the category Tools
New features
Update Log on EZACS3 :

2014-09-01 - Component
- Added new set of functions related to Fingerprint Management (PRO_FGPxyz) / See component details

2014-09-01 - Example
- Added a new FEN_FGPManagement Window to use AET62/65 Fignerprint readers

2014-01-22 - Component
- Added PRO_ACOS3FeedINIFileName to transfer the INI File Name into the Component

2014-01-12 - Example
- Updated code on FirstWindow GLOBAL to use PRO_ACOS3FeedProgramName / PRO_ACOS3FeedINIFileName

2014-01-15 - Component
- Added PRO_ACOS3FeedProgramName to transfer the program name into the component
- Added PRO_ACOS3INICreate to create an INI file containing Hardware / Currency parameters
- Added PRO_ACOS3INIChkHardware to check if hardware parameters have been created
- Added PRO_ACOS3INIHardwareWrite to write new hardware parameters
- Added PRO_ACOS3INIReset to reset ALL INI Parameters (new hardware or currency installation)
- Added PRO_ACOS3ININFCWrite to write your own ATR/ATS details (specific cards manufactured by ACS for your firm)
- Added PRO_ACOS3INICurrencyWrite to write the Currency details, display, and unit/decimals parameters
- Added Set of new functions to use NFC / Hybrid ACOS3 cards
PRO_ACOS3NFCCardParameters to set DES Mode / IC Encryption Mode
PRO_ACOS3NFCATRATSParameters to read the NFC Parameters (ATR/ATS)
PRO_ACOS3NFCCardStage to know which is current Life Cycle status of the NFC Card
PRO_ACOS3NFCStatus to know if it is an NFC Card

- Added PRO_ACOS3SetAccountKeys to set the Account Keys on the SmartCard
- Added PRO_ACOS3SetCardKeys to set the Keys on the SmartCard
- Added PRO_ACOS3SetDemoCardKeys to set the Demo Keys on the SmartCard
- Added PRO_ACOS3SetUnitDecimal to set if SmartCard will be using units or decimal

- Added PRO_ACOS3FeedAccountKeys feed the Account Keys into the Component
- Added PRO_ACOS3FeedCardKeys feed the Card Keys into the Component

- Modified PRO_ACOS3ShowHardwareUsed for compatibility with INI parameters
- Modified PRO_ACOS3HideHardwareUsed for compatibility with INI parameters

2014-01-15 - Example
- Updated code on FirstWindow BTN_ListReaders to use new INI functions
- Updated code on FirstWindow BTN_Connect to use new INI functions
- Added new button FirstWindow BTN_ResetINI to reset INI File

2013-10-16 - Component
- Fixed a minor bug where CKSM on PRO_ACOS3AccountRead were wrong if Amount > 70143

2013-10-16 - Example
- Fixed a minor bug where Amounts / balance not displayed when no decimals allowed

2013-10-10 - Component
- Modified PRO_ACOS3AccountCredit for compatibility with ACR83
- Modified PRO_ACOS3RevokeDebit for compatibility with ACR83
- Modified PRO_ACOS3PINDESSessionKey for compatibility with ACR83
- Modified PRO_ACOS3PINSubmitNew for compatibility with ACR83

2013-10-10 - Example
- Modified in FirstWindow/Personalization/BTN_PINOK for compatibility with ACR83

2013-10-08 - Component
- Added PRO_ACOS3CurrencyParameters for displaying the currency and amount to debit on the ACR83

2013-10-07 - Component
- Added decimal capacity on the Account.
- Added set of new functions to use the ACR83 reader with display and keyboard :
PRO_ACR83ClearLCD to clear the LCD Display
PRO_ACR83DisplayLCDMessage to display a message on the LCD
PRO_ACR83GetFeatureRequest to know the available features of the ACR83
PRO_ACR83GetFirmwareVersion to know which is the version of the ACR83
PRO_ACR83GetIFPINProperties to know which properties are available for the PIN
PRO_ACR83ModifyPIN to modify PIN on ACR83
PRO_ACR83ReadKeys to read pressed keys on the ACR83
PRO_ACR83VerifyPIN to verify PIN used on ACR83

- Added PRO_ACOS3GetACR83Status to check if this hardware is connected.
- Modified PRO_ACOS3AccountDebit for compatibility with ACR83.
- Modified PRO_ACOS3ChosenFileToRead for compatibility with ACR83.
- Modified PRO_ACOS3ChosenFileToWrite for compatibility with ACR83.
- Modified PRO_ACOS3ChosenFileToEraseFormat for compatibility with ACR83.
- Modified FEN_UserFilePassword for compatibility with ACR83 - Changed the filling from ascii 0 to ascii 255
- Modified FEN_CardPasswordsEmbeddedGeneration for compatibility with ACR83
Changed the filling from ascii 0 to ascii 255.
Added a procedure to check if password and application codes are compatible with ACR83.

2013-10-07 - Example
- Added option for decimal capacity on the account. See Account Tab and Operations Tab.
- Added button ACR83 on the About Tab to access the ACR83 Window when connected.
- Added FEN_ACR83Management Window
- Added FEN_ACR83ModifyPIN Window
- Added FEN_ACR83VerifyPIN Window
- Added FEN_ACR83ReadKeys Window
- Adapted the code to handle the new ACR83 functions and Decimal Capacity for the Account and Operations Tabs.

2013-08-27 - Component
- Fixed a minor bug related to DES3 calculation in User Mode.

2013-08-25 - Component
- Fixed major bug when using PIN Code in User Mode.
- Fixed typo in CardKeysPasswords generated file.
- Fixed minor bug when using Debit with Certificate > 255 (with or without password).

2013-08-23 - Component
- Fixed major bug on Read/Write Files with Secure Message.
- Fixed major bug related on Read/Write Files with and without Secure Message when SmartCard is in User Mode.
- Added PRO_ACOS3UserModeCardKeys Procedure for use with SmartCard in User Mode.
- Added PRO_ACOS3UserModeAccountKeys Procedure for use with SmartCard in User Mode.

2013-08-23 - Example
- Updated code on BTN_ReadPersonalizationFile related to User Mode bug.
- Added PRO_CHKCardUserModeStatus in FirstWindow related to User Mode bug.
- Added PRO_ACOS3UserModeAccountKeys in FirstWindow related to User Mode bug.

2013-08-22 - Component
- Fixed minor bug on PRO_ACOS3CHKHiddenCharacters.
- Added bCardAccount parameter on PRO_ACOS3CHKHiddenCharacters.
- Fixed minor bug on PRO_ACOS3PersonalizationStageReadWithCounters.

2013-08-22 - Example
- Fixed minor bug on file size calculation Decimal to Hexa.
- Updated BTN_WriteSecurityFile / BTN_WriteAccountSecurity to use new parameter bCardAccount.
- Updated code on BTN_ReadPersonalizationFile.

This component allows to easily integrate and use the SmartCards ACOS3/3X/NFC with fingerprint management in your software (minimum WD14).

• Choice of the reader (contact and/or NFC)
• Connection / Disconnection of the reader
• Read/Write on SmartCards ACOS 3 , ACOS 3X, ACOS3 NFC
• Management of the Manufacturer options
• Management of the Personalisation options:

Account / Activation of the SmartCard's Account
3DES / Encryption used
PIN_ALT / PIN alteration authorized
DEB_MAC / MAC calculation for a debit
DEB_PIN / PIN submission mandatory for debit
REV _DEB / Debit revocation authorized
TRANS_AUT / Mandatory authentication on Account transactions
INQ_AUT / Mandatory authentication on Account inquiry

• Management of the Security options for the passwords IC / PIN and applications AP1 à AP5
• Management of the allowed retries for the IC / PIN and applications
• Management of the IC/PIN and Application passwords AP1 à AP5
• Management of the security keys used for DES / 3DES encryption, authentication Card and Terminal
• Management of the personnalized ATR (Speed, signature’s card, etc)
• Management of the files (creation, size, record / binary , rights, security, password, read, write)
• Management of the Account

Functions :

• Management of the security keys DES / 3DES in order to use the Account functions
• Utility to create embedded passwords and nominative encryption for your software

The components are downloadable for testing purposes, with a full example of use and programmation, in English and French. They are activated on production by buying a user’s licence.

Any question feel free contacting us at : info@iim.ch

The EZACS3.ZIP contains the source code of the example and the component, separated in 2 zip files. THE SOURCE CODE OF THE COMPONENT IS NOT PROVIDED.
Illustrations, screen shots
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Pourquoi utiliser une carte spécialisé (ACS) et non une carte générique type Mifare
Est-ce que le composant est fournit avec les sources pour pouvoir l'adapter
00No rating
September 05, 2014
Minimum version: 01F140030f
18.7 MB