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Published on 12/30/2020
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acbr_dll_componente_amarildo_matos ------------ Ini Acbr Configuration Nfe Service Status Upload Xml Print ad Danfe Consultation register Cast Nfe Other commands ----------- Configuracao Ini Acbr Stat...
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Published on 06/06/2022
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WD Internet browser
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Published on 10/24/2019
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Tradução das Mensagens dos Erros do WAS WAS (WEBDEV Aplication Server) Para a versão 24
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Published on 05/25/2022
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WD Video Conference Windows WIN_CONFIGURATION_TUN_STURN WIN_Correspondent WIN_Dialog WIN_Main Controls Procedures Connection ConnectionDialog ListenConnectionRequest ListenMessageStartReque...
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Published on 01/17/2021
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Este exemplo ilustra a busca por sites na Internet usando as funções WLanguage. Neste exemplo, cobrimos os seguintes tópicos principais: 1 / executando um mecanismo de pesquisa 2 / o uso de um ActiveX...
Published on 10/15/2021
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https://youtu.be/hfOBKaUXbEk WINDEV26 ERP VIDEO COURSE 3452 WINDEV COURSE backup Progress bar Dasboard Janela Interna Pedidos Fazendo Inclusao do pedido formulario
Published on 11/07/2023
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Enhanced Live Update Process: Streamlining Large Project Procedures with an External .exe By: Eduardo Fachini Machado
Beep, MessageBeep, Api do Windows, Som Teclado com Speaker da Placa Mãe sem uso de placa de som para equipamentos de campo, som de alerta e aviso sonoro Beep, MessageBeep, Windows API, Keyboard Sound...
WD The HSetServer function - Conectando a uma base de dados Hfsql e lendo configurações do servisor e seu status RETURN hDatabasePath %%EXE%%\BDD Location of databases (which means the data files of...
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Published on 06/06/2022
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WD BalloonTip ou Popup Clock Windows CODE: nMsgType is int // Depending on the message type, configure the constant for the message type of the BalloonTip SWITCH COMBO_MSGTYPE CASE 1 nMsgType = ...