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Published on 10/13/2021
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https://youtu.be/YNzx1GLI6y8 WINDEV 26 - ERPCURSO - BACKUP - CLASS 3447
Published on 10/22/2021
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https://youtu.be/Xw8-I7XvLYk https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2021/10/video-3463-barra-progresso-backup.html WINDEV 26 - Backup progress bar Video 3463 00:42:00 Adicionando Barra progresso ...
Published on 11/09/2021
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WINDEV Mobile course 26 home -3486-3492
Tip 3854 - Markdown - Markdown - News Version 28 - 197 - Nov 6 - WINDEV-WEBDEV-mobile Blog https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2022/12/dica-3854-markdown-marcacao-novidades.html
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Published on 09/24/2023
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Alterando a data e hora do computador pela data e hora do servidor Hfsql ou da Internet Acompanha dentro do projeto o pdf para quem nao tem a versao 28 Função usada https://help.WINDEV.com/en-US/?1...
Internal window movimentação para esquerda e para o centro escondendo e bloqueando objetos da janela de traz Prezados, WM - Trabalhando com janelas internas - Working with internal windows, posicio...
 / Tools
Published on 06/13/2022
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WD The Excel functions Import ******** nFileID is int // identifier of the Excel file nColumn is int // current column nRow is int // current line nFirstLine is int // first row to read sLin...
 / Tools
Published on 09/21/2020
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Consulta FIPE (Fundação de Pesquisas Economicas) Aplicativo para consulta de indices economicos muito usado no Brasil.
WEBDEV Exemplo WW_MotorEquipment + PayBox Meio de pagamento com cartão de credito Pages address_creation basket basket_payment delivery Details General_sale_conditions Home Identification pa...
WD The Image control (animations) - controle imagem, zoom em imagem, crop em imagem em figuras geométricas e bordas