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 / Graphics
Published on 06/26/2021
Downloaded 56 time(s)
Mixing OpenGL and multi-state animations altogether, within the same graphic container. The original was first written in WD14 with GDImage 5.02 32-bit in 2009. This is the GDImage 64-bit version com...
 / Tools
Published on 06/14/2022
Downloaded 56 time(s)
WD Using sockets
 / Tools
Updated on 06/13/2022
Downloaded 55 time(s)
WD Magnifier - Lupa Screen - Zoom em imagem - Zoom Image Windows WIN_Magnifier Controls BT_ESC IMG_MAGNIFIER Procedures InitializeVistaMagnifier Update WindowPosition Properties Variables ...
 / Tools
Published on 11/21/2019
Downloaded 55 time(s)
Anote - Tarifador Beta teste - nao baixe ainda
 / Tools
Published on 06/14/2022
Downloaded 55 time(s)
WD The TreeView control
 / Tools
Published on 11/05/2021
Downloaded 55 time(s)
WINDEV - Table pai e filho com internal window (SUB NIVEL) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_q2Mi2KnDE
Classe OOP para trabalhar com soap xml Api Rest Send Json, Httpsend, Send, HttpForm, ainda em desenvolvimento 90% pronto
 / Entertainment
Published on 04/14/2020
Downloaded 54 time(s)
This model is intended to be used with the OR17 project that i able to manipulate in real time complex 3D objects with a cinema-like quality. The full "3D wavefront OBJ reader" project is here: https:...
 / Entertainment
Published on 04/24/2020
Downloaded 54 time(s)
This model is intended to be used with the OR17 project that i able to manipulate in real time complex 3D objects with a cinema-like quality. The full "3D wavefront OBJ reader" project is here: https:...
WD The ListView control - Table com imagem, Looper com imagem, Grid Imagens - Drag in Drop entre Tables/Looper