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Published on 01/13/2022
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TDF Tech 2016 Exemplos WINDEV WD Graphes TDF21" WD PIU et MCU TDF21" WD RAD Onglet Dynamique TDF21" WD Signature Exécutable TDF21" WD SynchroNotes TDF21" WD TCD et Etats TDF21" WD WLangage TDF21" ...
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Published on 01/17/2021
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 Este exemplo é usado para listar os aplicativos e processos usando funções .NET. Além disso, permite realizar vários tratamentos nas aplicações (Mudar para uma aplicação, Maximizar, Minimizar ...) b...
WD The Table TreeView Table control (Progress Bar columns) Table with bar progress in lines WD O controle Table TreeView Table (colunas da barra de progresso) Tabela com o progresso da barra em linh...
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Updated on 08/12/2021
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WEBDEV Calculadora Smart Control Exemplo by Paulo Viana https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMZnjHV__Io
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Published on 03/09/2022
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Assinar PDF com WINDEV Mobile by Ricardo Cassolato
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Published on 01/17/2021
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Este exemplo é usado para configurar o serviço WINDEV WD Service NT. Pode ser adaptado para configurar um serviço personalizado. Resumo do exemplo fornecido com WINDEV: Um serviço é um programa resid...
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Published on 02/11/2022
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Copy and paste WEBDEV Copiar e Colar WEBDEV WEBDEV PC SOFT Link do Vídeo: https://youtu.be/WAKkZANYtdA Desenvolvedor: Marcilon Mendonça Skype: m.marcilon@yahoo.com gmail: mmendonca1585@gmail.com Wha...
Published on 03/25/2020
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This model is intended to be used with the OR17 project that i able to manipulate in real time complex 3D objects with a cinema-like quality. The full "3D wavefront OBJ reader" project is here: https:...
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Published on 05/19/2022
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WM Stocks - Controle de Estoque - Inventário - Checagem
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Published on 01/14/2021
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Exemplo de consumo de Webservice SOAP que nao tem Response e Request Segue abaixo codigo exemplo //Aqui define o layout do XML a ser enviado pelo POST sXDoc is string = [ <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:so...