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 / Tools
Published on 05/14/2020
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Classe OOP que Assina Xml com Certificado Digital
 / Entertainment
Published on 04/16/2022
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This code, originally written in 2011 in PowerBASIC, has been adapted to work with all versions of WINDEV from WD17+. It was designed to be compiled in 32 or 64-bit mode. The interface relies entire...
Updated on 11/08/2020
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Acrescentado Pagina Layout WEBDEV responsilve amarildo CONSEILS 3168 -TUTORIEL WEBDEV 102-16-11-2020-10_00Hrs- Conception Web réactive et WEBDEV - PARTIE A This Live Video will premiere at 10:00 on 11...
 / Tools
Updated on 06/28/2021
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Wx SecWin - Groupware Customizado e traduzido na versao 26 Vídeo explicativo https://youtu.be/32cZ48S0jyw RECURSOS ADICIONAIS Clocar registros de um usuario para outro Configurar recursos diretam...
 / Tools
Published on 12/14/2018
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Tutorial de instalacao WINDEV Mobile oficial Adriano Boller
Published on 10/27/2020
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WINDEV xml amarildo validator In WINDEV 25 Creating an application to read xml and print Danf under development Em WINDEV 25 Criando Aplicativo para ler xml e imprimir Danf Em desenvolvimento
 / Tools
Published on 07/19/2019
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TOOLS MULTI CONTROL V Running install in Clock Windows - CLIP Use Open and Copy C (text), Copy Image with Control C.... After Control V Menu List with text and Image Choice LINK DOWNLOAD h...
Published on 01/22/2022
Downloaded 94 time(s)
Login criado com base ao modelo free do site https://startbootstrap.com/previews/sb-admin-2 Desenvolvido em WEBDEV 27 - 100% Utilização do Style Canal: https://www.youtube.com/c/EasyCodar Email: m...
 / Various
Published on 02/10/2022
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Interface do relógio responsivo Responsive clock interface WEBDEV PC SOFT Desenvolvedor: Marcilon Mendonça Skype: m.marcilon@yahoo.com gmail: mmendonca1585@gmail.com Whatsapp: +55 41 99243-9091
Updated on 08/11/2021
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This is the WD26 version of the FFplayer project which encapsulates the FFmepg video player in console mode in a Windows GUI. Using a GDImage DWM window (compound mode) allows you to display a progre...