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Published on 03/10/2022
Downloaded 14 time(s)
https://youtu.be/AnxlZ-CxrEo https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2022/03/dica-3660-cross-limpar-conteudo-edt.html TIP 3660 - Cross Clear Content Edt - WEBDEV 27
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Published on 06/13/2022
Downloaded 54 time(s)
WD The Google Map control. Importante criar a sua chave api no site da google developer console e informar no codigo MapLicenseGgl("AIzaSyAYtLWOvCQGQOlL_QHQUYmuNfLYjbVyxco") or MapLicenseBing("xIz...
Video 4016 - WINDEV WEBDEV Mobile - Taught from Scratch - 001 - Home https://youtu.be/C8n1mebeOoU Video 4016 - WINDEV WEBDEV Mobile - Ensinado do Zero - 001 - Inicio
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Updated on 05/02/2014
Downloaded 127 time(s)
Text and files encryption using the SERPENT I - II - III protocol EZSPT has been developed in order to bring a solution for security needs, when protecting sensitive data is mandatory either on stor...
Published on 01/12/2022
Downloaded 43 time(s)
TDF TECH 2013 - Exemplos WINDEV WD Analyseur Explain HFSQL WEBDEV WW_Precilia_Voyages_TDF18 WW_TamesBoat_TDF18 WINDEV Mobile Android Immo TDF18 Android Sony Smartwatch TDF18 iOS Piscines TDF18 WP R...
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Published on 06/06/2022
Downloaded 32 time(s)
WD Detecting the keystrokes PROCEDURE MyWindow() gaaPosXKey, gaaPosYKey are arrays associatifs of int _InitKeyPos() CONSTANT // Constants for specific keys cnNumLock = 0x90 cnScrollLock = 0x9...
System Info, Power Computer, Informações do sistema, Numero do HD, Numero da Placa Mae, Numero do MacAddress da placa de rede e wifi, tamanho do disco CODIGOS IMPORTANTES A SEREM ANALISADOS // Summa...
 / Entertainment
Published on 05/07/2020
Downloaded 48 time(s)
This model is intended to be used with the OR17 project that i able to manipulate in real time complex 3D objects with a cinema-like quality. The full "3D wavefront OBJ reader" project is here: https:...
Published on 09/14/2021
Downloaded 62 time(s)
This is a major release with many code changes. Main new features: 1 - Watermak Using a transparent DWM / GDImage TopMost window. You can customize the watermark.png file which is stored i...
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Published on 05/25/2022
Downloaded 30 time(s)
  WD Internet Seache with ActiveXEvent // Manage the progress bar ActiveXEvent(ManageProgress,ActiveX_Search,"ProgressChange") ActiveXEvent(EndProgress,ActiveX_Search,"DownloadComplete") // Default s...