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Published on 01/23/2020
Downloaded 289 time(s)
ZEBRA RFID READER SDK FOR ANDROID - Shall we develop together? ZEBRA RFID READER SDK FOR ANDROID - Vamos desenvolver juntos? Dear, I come here to ask for help to develop an example like WINDEV Mobi...
 / Graphics
Published on 07/02/2021
Downloaded 41 time(s)
Based on the same concept as the OpenGL "GLImage" project, this version features the use of textures animated in real time. The images used to create the textures are animated PNGs in GDImage format. ...
 / Various
Published on 05/07/2022
Downloaded 41 time(s)
Video Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TObFdfXSELU Fala Galera, projeto feito em WEBDEV, nesse vídeo fizemos um projeto de Clima do Tempo, - Customizamos - Consumimos API REST - Tratamos Da...
WD The SysMetric function - Metricas de tela e mouse pixels medidas funções
Updated on 05/06/2024
Downloaded 27 time(s)
Nesse exemplo explicamos na pratica como usar o comando gpwEnumCotrol VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7po-Sar1t6o Segue o codigo fonte // Summary: <specify the procedure action> // Syntax: //...
Example Zebra Collector with WINDEV Mobile and Webservice Rest with SAP database MODEL Zebra TC8000 1D ADRIANO BOLLER REPRESENTANTE PC SOFT NO BRASIL adrianoboller@gmail.com http://www.wxinformatica...
Published on 01/17/2021
Downloaded 108 time(s)
Este exemplo mostra como enviar e receber e-mails por meio das funções POP3 do WLanguage. POP3 é o protocolo mais comum para gerenciar e-mails. Neste exemplo, cobrimos dois tópicos principais: 1 / com...
Published on 01/29/2022
Downloaded 10 time(s)
https://youtu.be/IHSkszMQJKk Video Podcast 3598 - WEBDEV 27 - login - codepen
WD Style for displaying the table cells - Altera a cor das linhas e celulas da tabel em runtime nSTyle is int SWITCH RADIO_Hatched CASE 1 : nSTyle = styleHorizontalHatch CASE 2 : nSTyle = sty...
 / Lifestyle
Updated on 02/16/2018
Downloaded 434 time(s)
Documentation de WM Sport en Français v23 L'exemple de documentation a été généré afin que d'autres personnes qui ne maîtrisent pas le langage WL puissent analyser le code source en ouvrant un fichie...