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Published on 06/04/2021
Downloaded 33 time(s)
WEBDEV integrate web camera component - 3346 https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2021/06/dicas-3346-WINDEV-WEBDEV-mobile.html https://youtu.be/Q4oi_sDWcCE This Video will premiere at 10:00 am o...
 / Tools
Published on 06/13/2022
Downloaded 11 time(s)
 WD The optional concatenation - Concatenação de textos - Juntar Textos
No 7º episódio do Wandrey Descomplica sobre a DLL Unimake.DFe, aprendemos: - Como utilizar certificados instalados no windows através do Serial Number ou Thumbprint; - Como utilizar certificados A1 s...
Published on 12/30/2020
Downloaded 42 time(s)
acbr_dll_componente_amarildo_matos ------------ Ini Acbr Configuration Nfe Service Status Upload Xml Print ad Danfe Consultation register Cast Nfe Other commands ----------- Configuracao Ini Acbr Stat...
Published on 01/13/2022
Downloaded 27 time(s)
In many cases the title of Android windows is too long to be contained in a single line of text. Other times we would like to be able to have a title and subtitle that better describes the purpose of ...
 / Tools
Published on 06/06/2022
Downloaded 21 time(s)
WD Help for the user
Published on 10/11/2019
Downloaded 293 time(s)
This is the 64-bit version of a 10 years old project written in 32-bit. It is build upon GDImage version 7.00. It illustrates the possibility of creating visual components that can be interfaced with...
 / Tools
Published on 05/25/2022
Downloaded 26 time(s)
WD Organizer Windows External organizers Google WIN_ListCalendar_Google WIN_ParamCalendar_Google Lotus WIN_ListCalendar_Notes WIN_ParamCalendar_Notes Outlook WIN_ListCalendar_Outlook WIN_P...
Exemplo de como ler um controlador CLP Industrial Panassonic para Painel de Fabrica usando WINDEV - Acesso a programação Leader
Published on 06/05/2021
Downloaded 23 time(s)
https://youtu.be/Ms1N8ieqE3E https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2021/06/dicas-3347-WINDEV-WEBDEV-mobile-tabela.html This Video will premiere at 10:00 am on 06/10/2021 I'll teach you how to mak...