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SecWin / Groupware version 24 with License and Connection X - Projeto Base Inicial para o desenvolvimento de qualquer outro sistema https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nvdg3G20NA https://www.youtube.co...
Sample order and order list on the mini pdv m8 Exemplo de pedido e lista pedido no mini pdv m8 Elgin - Mini Pdv M8 - Android with WINDEV Mobile Elgin - Mini Pdv M8 - Android com WINDEV Mobile https:/...
 / Various
Published on 03/31/2020
Downloaded 242 time(s)
This is a 64-bit project to display a small popup widget CPU meter. The widget itself is written with GDImage to work in composited mode, and use visual color intensity ranging from dark to red to mat...
Updated on 10/13/2021
Downloaded 234 time(s)
"The Movie Data Base" is an internet service that allows you to retrieve the synopsis of a film or a TV movie with the image of the poster or DVD. https://www.themoviedb.org The only constraint, to f...
PDF Extract to JPG Resize, Assinatura do PDF e extração do texto em TXT Funções Extrair Reduzir Imagens FDeleteAllFiles OpenDir Pdf_Extrair_Txt SelecionarPdf Assina PDF
 / Tools
Updated on 05/02/2014
Downloaded 232 time(s)
Text and files encryption using the TwoFish I - II - III protocol EZTWF has been developed in order to bring a solution for security needs, when protecting sensitive data is mandatory either on stora...
Classe para trabalhar com Webservice do tipo Rest Full API Class to work with Webservice of type Restful API EXEMPLOS RESTSEND Ajuda para desenvolver o projeto foi graças ao Willian Padilha ADRIAN...
STEP BY STEP Desenvolvendo com WEBDEV um Webservice SOAP, fazendo deploy no servidor e consumindo pelo WINDEV, WEBDEV e WINDEV Mobile Developing with WEBDEV a Webservice SOAP, deploying on the server...
 / Communication
Published on 05/24/2022
Downloaded 228 time(s)
Exemplo de conexão com o Whatspp utilizando a API da (www.result.inf.br) caso queira integrar, entre em contato através do whatsapp: +55 41 99243-9091
Published on 11/16/2016
Downloaded 227 time(s)
This project shows you how to read an image stored in a Stream buffer, and display it Inside of a GDImage graphic control. Here is the code to load a Stream from the application's "EXE\images" subfol...