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Valida CPF, CNPJ e Telefone com mascara e validação com Expressão Regular
Updated on 03/25/2020
Downloaded 185 time(s)
The culmination of a project started over 8 years ago, the 64-bit DLL, OR64.dll, allows you to integrate advanced 3D visualization functions, based on the wawefront .OBJ format, within a WINDEV applic...
WM Android Gps - Exemplo mais simples de pegar Laitude e Longitude do Celular https://help.WINDEV.com/en-US/search2.awp?q=android%20gps&mode=user&origin=searchbox INIT WINDOW gnCurrentStatus is in...
 / Tools
Published on 03/06/2018
Downloaded 868 time(s)
New Send Email Example
Published on 08/05/2020
Downloaded 179 time(s)
Anote - Utilitário para anotações
 / Tools
Published on 11/04/2022
Downloaded 182 time(s)
Tool Backup, Clone e Restauração de Bancos de dados HFSQL // Summary: <specify the procedure action> // Syntax: //Evento_Backup_Agendar (<Base_Atual>, <Destino_Backup>, <Agendar_Data_Hora>) // // Par...
PROTEÇÃO DE DIREITO AUTORAL Explicando o funcionamento: O dono do projeto feito com WINDEV, WEBDEV e WINDEV Mobile define no primeiro cadastro os dados do projeto, após cadastra todos os sócios e su...
 / Productivity
Published on 09/07/2023
Downloaded 162 time(s)
WXOpenFramework is a 100% object and open source ORM framework providing the basic tools needed to very quickly develop the business layer of an application, a website or a mobile application on PC SO...
Published on 03/07/2020
Downloaded 86 time(s)
Signing file using Chilkat dll. The Certificate must be in the Windows Certificate (use Bit4id to do this) The Chilkat have a dependency and yuo must install Visual Studio 2017 redistributable in th...
 / Tools
Published on 08/24/2020
Downloaded 98 time(s)
This WINDEV component will provide you with tools to get all the information about each battery installed on a computer. The compressed file contains the component, the list of available methods and p...